Settling In
Reflective Questions
Questions to ask yourself as a family before visiting a prospective kindergarten
What are the most important things that a kindergarten should have available to my child?
Is there anything we need support with as a family?
How am I feeling about the settling in process?
How would I like the kindergarten to support our home culture?
What are my reasons for choosing a kindergarten with a different language?
What things am I most excited about when my child joins the kindergarten?
Questions to ask the kindergarten on your first day
What supplies do I need to bring?
What is the daily schedule and what is a typical day like?
What kind of food will my child be provided with?
What is the settling in process?
How long will I be able to stay with my child during this process?
What is my role as a parent during settling in?
Should I play or interact with my child or others during settling in?
How do you support children from multilingual backgrounds?
How can I support my child's language development at home?
Are the educators experienced in settling in children with different languages spoken at home?
What holidays will you celebrate with the children?
How do you support children from culturally diverse backgrounds?
How do you handle behavioural challenges or discipline?
How can I address any concerns or questions I have for the educators?
What curriculum does the kindergarten follow?
What is the child to educator ratio?