The Importance of Trust and Bonding
Experimentation, curiosity, and willingness to learn are enormously influenced by one's inner fears, insecurity or pressure. One can observe that children fall into patterns of behaviour of attack, defence or retreat, such as screaming, slapping, stubbornness, closing of the eyes/ears/mouth, submission or hiding. Such experiences are predominantly negative and can affect childish curiosity, openness and ability to trust. Role models, bonding and trust are the three biggest influences childhood learning. Children search for close ties and security to help orientate themselves in discovering their own capabilities. Safe attachment and trust on the part of the caregiver is the basis for successfully completing the long and complex path of socialization processes (Hüther, 2008). Rana may not feel connected to her educators yet and the parents can help with this by with showing positive interactions between them, modelling through language and actions that they trust them fully, and letting Rana know that when she needs help, she can go to them.
“Promoting independence
- Begin by assigning smaller tasks with low risk to children, such as asking them to pick something up from the neighbours.
- Encourage them with phrases such as “Try it alone! You can do it!”, instead of immediately removing minor problems.
- Make children aware of every day wonders that they can explore for themselves, such as pointing out an ant hill and asking if they would like to have a look. ”