Day to Day Routines


Daily routines at the kindergarten are needed to assure the health and care of your child and should be consistent, finding a balance of routines from home and kindergarten.

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The Emmi Pikler Approach;

One approach to daily routines is the Pikler approach, which encourages slowing down in today’s society. Instead of rushing though routines, going from activity to activity, a calm peaceful environment is created and the `routines´ are slowed down. Educators are described as caregivers who work at the pace of the children with a constant verbal and non-verbal dialogue between caregiver and child. The routines are the focus rather than a necessary step to get through to begin the next activity. Although the Pikler approach was originally developed for children living in the Lóczy orphanage in Budapest in the mid twentieth century, this philosophy resonates in the twenty-first century as many daily routines and caring moments become rushed in a fast-paced world.