The Impact of the Emotional and Physical Environment on Prosilience

An atmosphere characterized by warmth, respect and acceptance can positively affect a child’s ability to develop prosilience. This can include the way the classroom is set up, using the room itself and the furniture that is thoughtfully put into it. Visual aesthetics can also be used to increase the feeling of comfort in the room, keeping in mind the children’s needs and values (Webster, 2007).

Practical Tips

Asking children about their feelings and providing them a variety of ways to express this so they can be in touch with their emotions and feel respected.

  • Include photos of the children’s families in a designated area of the room, or books with family photos helps them to feel comfortable, respected and accepted within the classroom.

  • Display books on starting kindergarten, books on feelings, moving to a new house or country, books representing different cultures and families.  

Asking children about their feelings and providing them a variety of ways to express them allows them to be in touch with their emotions and to feel respected. Rana could benefit from being asked how she feels on a daily basis. Perhaps the team may decide to implement a specific time in the morning where they talk about their feelings and provide different ways the children can express theirs (hand signs, songs, facial expressions). This might help Rana feel that her emotions are accepted and respected in this environment.