
Increase ability of children between the ages of 11-36 months to adapt to their institution more easily, understand instructions and build emotional attachment to their environment through audio-visual materials created.

Children aged between 36 months and 72 months will be able to learn basic vocabulary in a new language and communicate directly with their educators more efficiently with the audio-visual and digital resources and materials created.

The materials developed will allow parents to gain better insight into routine and environment, and to share their knowledge with the educators. Teachers will learn how to improve their ability to assess and support the emotional and communicative needs of children.


Partner organisations can use the new findings in their daily kindergarten work and in further teacher training. Colleagues in international kindergartens can use and implement this material. Our aim is to reach educational instutitions who qualify kindergarten teachers/education specialists/integration personnel both locally and across Europe so that their curricula can benefit from these results. These materials will be freely available on the internet for anyone to access and utilise in their programmes.

After the project people will be encouraged to continue to develop and work on this research and concept. This would be part of an intercultural community. The findings and the curriculum will be available for future educational professionals. This information will be shared with relevant authorities. Parents who partake in this study or who enter into this curriculum will share this as they move to other schools.

Teachers who partake in this study or curriculum can share this in future schools or research environments. Project partners and parents in these locations will share and spread the ideas and concepts as well as the research created in this study.