Diversity and Its Role In The Settling In Process
Children who are in a kindergarten are at an age where experiences have a significant impact in laying the foundations for learning, behaviour, values and health. As children become more aware of their own physical traits and characteristics, they also become more aware of the differences between themselves and others. Children can form both positive and negative ideas and attitudes about these differences, also known as biases (Tomlins, 2018).
All children have an equal right to play, learn, make friends and grow. Children are not judgemental by nature but can pick up on the negativity they hear or feel around them. If we remain open and receptive to the differences of others, they will do so as well and this will allow for an enriched learning environment for all children.
Early childhood is a crucial time to in- still in children a sense of pride in family and identity, and an appreciation of diversity. By teaching children the importance of treating others equally and celebrating different families and cultures, parents and educators can have a significant impact on how children's attitudes develop.